lets start again

30 May


Probably brings to mind a lactating canine, however that is not what this is about.

MilkDog was a project, a concept, a quirky and fun theme to a particularly wonderful vein of inspiration I tapped into last fall during my final year of my BFA (bachelor of fine arts). It was an outlet for me to communicate a curious questioning, an alternative understanding and potential for redefining the particularities of life, art, love. At the end of the semester, the physical realization of MilkDog accumulated to a few paintings/drawings of Milk and Dogs, a pile of thinking papers and a handful of beat-poetry arrangements…. but in my creative mind, in my saucy attitude maker and in the most cherished parts of heart, MilkDog was so much more. But then I abandoned MilkDog. I got real sick, real fast, and left it all behind me. That was January. In the days after leaving, I kept MilkDog alive through some personal writing.

One page thinks…

Maybe MilkDog is what I’m supposed to give.

The next page, tail between his legs…

Worried myself sick


dog damn


walk away


broke my heart

At some point in my

 healing, I started this blog. I abandoned it for awhile, as this time in my life has been very trying. Beyond all the physical healing, I’ve had enormous heart healing to do over s a painfully abrupt departure from such a very dear part of my life.

But dog, the milk is back. I’m here to talk about it, to reflect and understand, to share my story, to hopefully reignite my temporarily broken inspiration…

A food, art, poetry, creative, healing, life blog. All things creative, nourishing, consumable. MilkDog blog.

sun dog soup day

13 Mar


Milk like love, measured and fresh.  Dog like love, unconditional. Reliable and rewarding as grilled cheese and soup. When things are the way they should be, like a Sunday that is a sun day. Sun Dog Soup Day!soup&sammich

so smooth satisfaction

7 Mar

smooth poursoft serve

thick thought

cold calm

so smooth

blue banana


milk dog does love


25 Jan

buckwheat waffles with goat cheese sunshine and maple syrup

Hello internutz. Milkdoggydog got a blog. A lazy morning, moment milking, plate licking, dog food blog.  Milk dog dont breakfast, milk dog breakslow. Break slow on buckwheat waffles, stick to yer doggy ribs dogfood.